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Guilty As Charged

Have you ever seen yourself in the lineup for being guilty of only living your life for yourself. Some just don't want to admit it. Well I'm admitting it. I'm a selfish person and its done a few things to me in my life. Most of you who read this ..........."if there is any at all"....... should know me bye now and say yea he's right.
We make allot of choices in our life, some for our own self gain. I'm one to blame for allot of friendships that have long been forgotten over time. But none of these relationships mean more to me that my family's love does. Not everyone was blessed with great brothers or sisters, Mothers and fathers but today as I sit here in my underwear in front of a screen that doesn't talk back I'm telling you that I'm sorry for being selfish and living in my own world.
I can tell you that I have never been so happy in my life than to be with someone who would do anything for me over themselves. "RENATE" and I love her with all my heart.
OK enough with the sob story.
Here it is, sitting here in this morning of April 12 2011 I'm going to be a father soon and this is the most important thing in my life. I have allot of growing up to do.
That's just the first step. Here is what I think about day to day. "sip my coffee" mmmmmm
Another Thought? Came to My head!!!!!.......
Just Read this in my voice and It will all make sense
Well Back onto the whole coffee thing!
I will have to give it up soon, because Renate said that I couldn't give up caffeine and drinking beers. So I told her on her Birthday April 14Th I will go dry for 30 days to see what its like. I'm not sure I can do it, as Homer Simpson says.."mmmmm BEER"
and decaf coffee whats next the gay parade. I do drink allot of beer!..... and brew coffee every morning. Oh well......not sure I can do it but well see what happens.
So back to selfishness I guess I will have to face this monster once and for all. Try to make a change. I think It will be a change for the better. DON'T YOU...


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